R client to the Humanitarian Data Exchange

Humanitarian Data Exchange platform

The Humanitarian Data Exchange is the UN OCHA platform for share

Development version from GitLab


Get data from HDX

Connect to a server

You need to set your configuration first

set_rhdx_config(hdx_site = "prod", read_only = TRUE)
## <HDX Configuration>
##   HDX site: prod
##   HDX site url: https://data.humdata.org/
##   HDX API key:

Search datasets

Once we selected a server, we can now search from dataset using the search_datasets function. In this case we will limit just to two results.

list_of_ds <- search_datasets("displaced Nigeria", rows = 2)
## [[1]]
## <HDX Dataset> 4fbc627d-ff64-4bf6-8a49-59904eae15bb 
##   Title: Nigeria - Internally displaced persons - IDPs
##   Name: idmc-idp-data-for-nigeria
##   Date: 01/01/2009-12/31/2016
##   Tags (up to 5): displacement, idmc, population
##   Locations (up to 5): nga
##   Resources (up to 5): displacement_data, conflict_data, disaster_data

## [[2]]
## <HDX Dataset> 4adf7874-ae01-46fd-a442-5fc6b3c9dff1 
##   Title: Nigeria Baseline Assessment Data [IOM DTM]
##   Name: nigeria-baseline-data-iom-dtm
##   Date: 01/31/2018
##   Tags (up to 5): adamawa, assessment, baseline-data, baseline-dtm, bauchi
##   Locations (up to 5): nga
##   Resources (up to 5): DTM Nigeria Baseline Assessment Round 21, DTM Nigeria Baseline Assessment Round 20, DTM Nigeria Baseline Assessment Round 19, DTM Nigeria Baseline Assessment Round 18, DTM Nigeria Baseline Assessment Round 17

Choose the dataset you want to manipulate in R, in this case we will take the first one.

ds <- list_of_ds[[1]]
## <HDX Dataset> 4fbc627d-ff64-4bf6-8a49-59904eae15bb 
##   Title: Nigeria - Internally displaced persons - IDPs
##   Name: idmc-idp-data-for-nigeria
##   Date: 01/01/2009-12/31/2016
##   Tags (up to 5): displacement, idmc, population
##   Locations (up to 5): nga
##   Resources (up to 5): displacement_data, conflict_data, disaster_data

List all resources in the dataset

list_of_rs <- get_resources(ds)
## [[1]]
## <HDX Resource> f57be018-116e-4dd9-a7ab-8002e7627f36 
##   Name: displacement_data
##   Description: Internally displaced persons - IDPs (new displacement associated with conflict and violence)
##   Size: 
##   Format: JSON

## [[2]]
## <HDX Resource> 6261856c-afb9-4746-b340-9cf531cbd38f 
##   Name: conflict_data
##   Description: Internally displaced persons - IDPs (people displaced by conflict and violence)
##   Size: 
##   Format: JSON

## [[3]]
## <HDX Resource> b8ff1f4b-105c-4a6c-bf54-a543a486ab7e 
##   Name: disaster_data
##   Description: Internally displaced persons - IDPs (new displacement associated with disasters)
##   Size: 
##   Format: JSON

Choose a resource we need to download/read

We are looking for the displacement data, it’s the first resource in our list list_of_rs

idp_nga_rs <- list_of_rs[[1]]
idp_nga_df <- read_resource(idp_nga_rs, simplify_json = TRUE, folder = tempdir())
## $results
##   iso iso3 geo_name year conflict_new_displacements
## 1  NG  NGA  Nigeria 2009                       5000
## 2  NG  NGA  Nigeria 2010                       5000
## 3  NG  NGA  Nigeria 2011                      65000
## 4  NG  NGA  Nigeria 2012                      63000
## 5  NG  NGA  Nigeria 2013                     471000
## 6  NG  NGA  Nigeria 2014                     975000
## 7  NG  NGA  Nigeria 2015                     737000
## 8  NG  NGA  Nigeria 2016                     501000
##   disaster_new_displacements conflict_stock_displacement
## 1                     140000                          NA
## 2                     560000                          NA
## 3                       6300                          NA
## 4                    6112000                          NA
## 5                     117000                     3300000
## 6                       3000                     1075000
## 7                     100000                     2096000
## 8                      78000                     1955000

## $lookups
## named list()

## $errors
## list()

## $success
## [1] TRUE

## $params
## [1] "/api/displacement_data?iso3=NGA&ci=HDX00AKEYJUl17"

## $total
## [1] 8

## $limit
## [1] 0

## $offset
## [1] 0