{"type":"start","name":"start"} {"type":"end","name":"end"} {"type":"today","name":"today"} {"type":"audit","name":"audit"} {"type":"deviceid","name":"deviceid"} {"type":"select_one organisation_name","name":"organisation_name","label_english":"Please select your organisation:","label_arabic":"يرجى اختيار منظمتك:","label_french":"\r\nVeuillez sélectionner votre organisation :","required":"yes","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one enumerator_id","name":"enumerator_id","label_english":"Please select your enumerator ID","label_arabic":"يرجى إختيار المعرف الخاص بك","label_french":"Veuillez sélectionner votre ID de recenseur","required":"yes","appearance":"quick","choice_filter":"organisation=${organisation_name}"} {"type":"calculate","name":"enumerator_name","calculation":"pulldata('unique_identifier_mr', 'name', 'name_key', ${enumerator_id})"} {"type":"note","name":"pulled_name","label_english":"The holder of this id is ${enumerator_name}, if this is not your name please go back and select the appropriate id","label_arabic":"صاحب هذا المعرف هو ${enumerator_name} ، إن هذا ليس اسمك الرجاء الرجوع الى الوراء و إختيار المعرف الخاص بك","label_french":"Le titulaire de cet identifiant est ${enumerator_name}, si ce n'est pas votre nom, veuillez revenir en arrière et sélectionner l'identifiant approprié"} {"type":"text","name":"phone_number","label_english":"[For the enumerator] Please log in the number that you are calling","label_arabic":"الرجاء ادخال رقم الشخص الذي تتصل به الان","label_french":"[Pour le recenseur] Veuillez vous connecter au numéro que vous appelez","required":"yes","appearance":"numbers","constraint":".>=910000000 and .<950000000","hint_english":"Please do not add a 0 before the phone number. Symbols (e.g. \"-\" or \"/\") and spaces are not allowed.","hint_arabic":"يرجى عدم إضافة 0 قبل رقم الهاتف. لا يسمح بالرموز (مثل \"-\" أو \"/\") والفراغات.","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas ajouter de 0 avant le numéro de téléphone. Les symboles (par exemple « - » ou « / ») et les espaces ne sont pas autorisés."} {"type":"begin group","name":"consent","label_english":"Consent","label_arabic":"موافقة","label_french":"consentement"} {"type":"select_one md_1_consent_1_list","name":"consent_1","label_english":"Hello, my name is [name of enumerator]. \r\r\r\nI am working with REACH on a survey that is being facilitated by ACTED, an international organization based in Libya. \r\r\r\nWe were given your number by an organization you have interacted with or another community member, on the understanding that you might be able to help us with our survey. The survey is happening all across the country to help update humanitarian organizations about what people need, so that appropriate help and assistance can be provided next year. We do not deliver any assistance ourselves. Participation in the survey is voluntary, and you can choose to stop at any time. No personal information will ever be shared. The survey takes approximately 30 minutes, and your participation would be greatly appreciated. Could you spare some time and take the survey now? \r\r\r\n","label_arabic":"مرحبًا ، اسمي [اسم العداد].\r\nأنا أعمل مع REACH على دراسة استقصائية تقوم بتيسيرها ACTED ، وهي منظمة دولية مقرها في ليبيا.\r\nلقد حصلنا على رقمك من قبل منظمة تفاعلت معها أو أي عضو آخر في المجتمع ، على أساس أنك قد تكون قادرًا على مساعدتنا في الاستبيان الخاص بنا. يتم إجراء المسح في جميع أنحاء البلاد للمساعدة في إطلاع المنظمات الإنسانية على ما يحتاجه الناس ، بحيث يمكن تقديم المساعدة والمساعدات المناسبة في العام المقبل. نحن لا نقدم أي مساعدة بأنفسنا. المشاركة في الاستطلاع تطوعية ، ويمكنك اختيار التوقف في أي وقت. لن يتم مشاركة أي معلومات شخصية. يستغرق الاستطلاع حوالي 30 دقيقة ، وسيكون مشاركتك محل تقدير كبير. هل يمكنك تخصيص بعض الوقت وإجراء الاستبيان الآن؟","label_french":"Bonjour, je m'appelle [nom de l'enqueteur]. Je travaille avec REACH sur une enquete facilitée par ACTED, une organisation humanitaire intérnationale basée en Libye. On a réçu votre numéro de la part d'une organisation avec laquelle vous avez intéragi ou de la part d'un membre de votre communauté, qui pensent que vous nous pourriez aider avec notre enquête. L'enquête est menée dans le pays entier afin de fournir une mise a jour aux organisations humanitaires par rapport aux besoins des populations en Libye, de manière à ce que l'aide at assistance humanitaire puissent etre delivrées de façon appropriée l'année prochaine. Nous ne livrons pas l'aide nous-mêmes. La participation à l'enquête se fait sur base volontaire, et vous pouvez choisir d'arrêter a tout moment. Aucune information personnelle ne sera jamais partagée. L'entretien dure approximativement 30 minutes, et votre participation serait beaucoup appreciée. Auriez-vous le temps de participer a l'enquête en ce moment?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"date","name":"consent_2","label_english":"When can I call you to take the survey?","label_arabic":"متى يمكنني الاتصال بك لإجراء الاستبيان؟","label_french":"Quand pourrais-je vous appeler pour avoir un entretien?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${consent_1},'no_later')","hint_english":"Agree on a moment and write it down here and for yourself on paper with this phone number, and save the survey. Write down the time you saved the survey also. Reopen when you call this person back","hint_arabic":"وافق على وقت معين واكتبه هنا ولنفسك على الورق باستخدام رقم الهاتف المعني ، واحفظ الاستبيان. اكتب الوقت الذي حفظت فيه الاستطلاع أيضًا. أعد الفتح عندما تعاود الاتصال بهذا الشخص","hint_french":"Mettez-vous d'accord sur un temps exacte pour se rappeller et écrivez-le ici et pour vous-même sur papier avec ce numéro de téléphone, et enregistrez l'enquête. Notez également l'heure à laquelle vous avez enregistré l'enquête. Rouvrir lorsque vous rappelez cette personne"} {"type":"note","name":"consent_3","label_english":"__Thank you very much for agreeing to participate. If you would like to submit any complaints about this survey, you may do so using the phone number provided now - this number refers to a hotline set up independent from our organisation, so you will speak to a person different to myself and I will not be informed. [Enumerator must provide phone number in the interview and advise the respondent to write it down 1404]. As mentioned the survey will take about 30 minutes.__","label_arabic":"__شكرا جزيلا على موافقتك على المشاركة. إذا كنت ترغب في إرسال أي شكاوى حول هذا الاستطلاع ، فيمكنك القيام بذلك باستخدام رقم الهاتف المقدم الآن - يشير هذا الرقم إلى خط ساخن تم إعداده بشكل مستقل عن مؤسستنا ، لذلك ستتحدث إلى شخص مختلف عني ولن أفعل ذلك. لتعلم. [يجب على العداد تقديم رقم الهاتف في المقابلة وإبلاغ المستفتى بكتابته 1404]. كما ذكرنا ، سيستغرق الاستطلاع حوالي 30 دقيقة.__","label_french":"__Merci beaucoup d'avoir accepté de participer. Si vous souhaitez soumettre des plaintes par rapport a cet entretien, vouz pourrez le faire en utilisant le numero de téléphone qui vous est fourni maintenant - ce numero est lié à une ligne d'assistance indépendante de notre organisation, vous pourrez parler avec quelqu'un d'autre que moi-même et moi, je ne serai pas informé. [l'enqueteur doit fournir le numero pendant l'entretien et suggerer a la personne interrogée de noter 1404]. Comme mentionné avant, l'entretien va durer approximativement 30 minutes.__","relevant":"selected(${consent_1},'yes_consent')"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"note","name":"note_end_interview","label_english":"** Stop the interview and thank the respondent for their time ** <\/span>","label_arabic":"** أوقف المقابلة واشكر المجيب على وقته ** <\/span>","label_french":"** Arrêtez l'entretien et remerciez la personne enquêtée pour son temps ** <\/span>","relevant":"selected(${consent_1},'no_consent')"} {"type":"begin group","name":"consented","label_english":"Consented","label_arabic":"موافق/ة","label_french":"Consenti","relevant":"selected(${consent_1},'yes_consent')"} {"type":"begin group","name":"mantika_correct","label_english":"Mantika","label_arabic":"منطقة","label_french":"Mantika"} {"type":"select_one mantika","name":"mantika","label_english":"Which Mantika are you currently living in?","label_arabic":"في أي منطقة تعيش حاليا؟","label_french":"Dans quelle Mantika habitez-vous en ce moment?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"calculate","name":"mantika_label","calculation":"pulldata('mantika_labels', 'name', 'name_key', ${mantika})"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"bio_data","label_english":"Bio-Data","label_arabic":"بيانات عامة","label_french":"Renseignements Personnels","relevant":"not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_one baladiya","name":"baladiya","label_english":"Which Baladiya are you currently living in?","label_arabic":"في أية بلدية تعيش حاليا؟","label_french":"Dans quelle Baladiya habitez-vous en ce moment?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","choice_filter":"mantika=${mantika}"} {"type":"calculate","name":"baladiya_label","calculation":"pulldata('baladiya_labels', 'name', 'name_key', ${baladiya})"} {"type":"select_one muhalla","name":"muhalla","label_english":"Which Muhalla are you currently living in?","label_arabic":"في أية محلة تعيش حاليا؟","label_french":"Dans quelle Muhalla habitez-vous en ce moment?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","choice_filter":"baladiya=${baladiya}"} {"type":"calculate","name":"muhalla_label","calculation":"pulldata('muhalla_labels', 'name', 'name_key', ${muhalla})"} {"type":"select_one md_4_resp_country_list","name":"resp_country","label_english":"In which country were you born?","label_arabic":"في أي بلد ولدت؟","label_french":"Dans quel pays êtes-vous né ?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"resp_country_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${resp_country},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple md_5_resp_language_list","name":"resp_language","label_english":"What languages do you feel comfortable to use for daily communication?","label_arabic":"ما هي اللغات التي تشعر بالراحة لاستخدامها في التواصل اليومي ؟","label_french":"Quelles langues vous sentez-vous à l'aise pour communiquer au quotidien ?","required":"TRUE","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list\r\nNote for the enumerator: we are looking at languages that the person can use to communicate effectively to work, access to services, etc. Only knowing a few words of a language should not be considered as knowing that language","hint_arabic":"لا تقرأ القائمة \r\nملاحظة للعداد: نحن نبحث عن اللغات التي يمكن للشخص استخدامها للتواصل بشكل فعال في العمل ، والوصول إلى الخدمات ، وما إلى ذلك. لا ينبغي اعتبار معرفة كلمات قليلة من اللغة على أنها معرفة بهذه اللغة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste \r\n\r\nNote pour l'énumérateur : nous voulons capturer les langues que la personne peut utiliser pour communiquer efficacement au travail, l'accès aux services, etc. Ne connaître que quelques mots d'une langue ne devrait pas être considéré comme connaître cette langue"} {"type":"text","name":"resp_language_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${resp_language},'other')"} {"type":"integer","name":"persons_sharing_accommodation","label_english":"How many persons do you share your accommodation with (excluding yourself)?","label_arabic":"كم عدد الأشخاص الذين يتقاسمون المسكن معك (باستثناء نفسك) ؟","label_french":"Avec combien de personnes partagez-vous votre abri (sans compter vous-même)?","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0 and .<=50","hint_english":"Note to the enumerator: we are referring to all persons who share the same physical shelter with the respondent\r\nIf the person lives alone, enter 0","hint_arabic":"ملاحظة للعداد: نحن نشير إلى كل الأشخاص الذين يتقاسمون نفس المأوى مع المجيب\r\n\r\nأدخل صفر \"0\" إذا ما يعيش المجيب وحده","hint_french":"Note à l'énumérateur : nous faisons référence à toutes les personnes qui partagent le même abri physique avec le répondant \r\n\r\n\r\nSi la personne vit seule, entrez 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"other_members_of_hh","label_english":"Among all the persons you share your accomodation with, how many of them are part of your household, excluding yourself? This includes people that are not a part of your family but you are sharing key resources and expenses with (i.e. are persons with whom you share food, key resources and expenses beyond rent)\r\r\r\n\r","label_arabic":"من بين جميع الأشخاص الذين تتقاسم معهم المسكن، كم منهم يعتبر فردا من أسرتك؟ (باستثناء نفسك ؟) يشمل هذا الأشخاص الذين ليسوا جزءا من عائلتك ولكنهم يتقاسمون الموارد والنفقات الرئيسية معك (أي الأشخاص الذين تتقاسم معهم الغذاء والموارد الرئيسية والنفقات التي تتجاوز الإيجار).","label_french":"Parmi les personnes avec lequelles vous partagez votre abri, combien font partie de votre ménage, sans compter vous-même? Ceci se réfère aussi aux personnes qui ne font pas partie de votre famillie mais avec lequelles vous partagez des ressources et dépenses importantes (par exemple, des personnes avec lequelles vous partagez la nourriture, ressources clés et dépenses autre que le loyer)\r\n\r\n","required":"TRUE","relevant":"${persons_sharing_accommodation}>0","constraint":".>= 0 and .<=${persons_sharing_accommodation}","hint_english":"Note for the enumerator: we are trying to understand here if the person is living with other members of their household, not just if they are sharing accomodation with other people. Persons who share the accommodation with other people but do not have any other type of relations with them, e.g. do not share any expenses beyond the ones related to the house, should not be considered as living with other household members\r\nIf the person does not live with any other household members, enter 0","hint_arabic":"ملاحظة للعداد: نحن نريد أن نفهم ما إذا كان الشخص يعيش مع أفراد آخرين من أسرته ، وليس فقط إذا كانوا يتقاسمون المسكن مع أشخاص آخرين. لا ينبغي اعتبار الأشخاص ، من نفس الأسرة المعيشية إذا كانوا يتقاسمون السكن فقط ، أي الأشخاص الذين لا يتقاسمون أي نفقات تتجاوز النفقات المتصلة بالمنزل و لا تربطهم أي علاقة أخرى. \r\n\r\nتعريف الأسرة : الأسرة عبارة عن مجموعة من الأشخاص الذين يعيشون تحت نفس السقف ويتشاركون الطعام والموارد الرئيسية الأخرى. يشمل هذا التعريف كذلك الأشخاص الذين ليسوا جزءًا من العائلة ولكن يستضيفهم الشخص ويتشارك معهم في النفقات.) \r\nأدخل صفر \"0\" إذا ما كان المجيب لايعيش مع أي من أفراد أسرته","hint_french":"Note pour l'enqueteur: nous voudrions comprendre ici si la personne vit avec d'autres membres de son ménage, au lieu de partager seulement un abri avec d'autres personnes. Personnes qui partagent leur abri avec d'autres gens, sans pour autant avoir de relations plus étroites avec elles, par exemples sans partager les dépenses sauf celles liées à l'abri, devraient être considerées comme seules\r\nSi la personne ne vit avec aucun autre membre du ménage, entrez 0"} {"type":"select_one md_8_hoh_list","name":"hoh","label_english":"The 'head of household' is the person taking the most important decisions for all household members.\r\r\r\n\r\r\r\nAre you the head of your household?","label_arabic":"رب الأسرة\" هو الشخص الذي ينتمي إلى الأسرة وهو الفرد المسؤول على القرارات الأساسية و المهمة و صانع القرار الرئيسي نيابة عن الأسرة بأكملها. \r\nهل أنت رب الأسرة؟","label_french":"Le/la \"chef/cheffe de ménage\" c'est la personne dans le ménage qui prends les décisions principales. Êtes-vous le/la chef/cheffe de ménage?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"(${persons_sharing_accommodation}>0 and ${other_members_of_hh}>0)","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one md_9_hoh_age_list","name":"hoh_age","label_english":"How old is the head of the household?","label_arabic":"كم هو عمر رب الأسرة؟","label_french":"Quel est l'âge du/de la chef/cheffe de ménage?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${hoh},'no')","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one md_10_resp_age_list","name":"resp_age","label_english":"How old are you?","label_arabic":"كم عمرك؟","label_french":"Quel est votre âge?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one md_11_hoh_sex_list","name":"hoh_sex","label_english":"Is the head of household male or female?","label_arabic":"هل رب الأسرة ذكر أم أنثى؟","label_french":"Le/la chef/fe du ménage est-il un homme ou une femme?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and selected(${hoh},'no')","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one md_12_resp_sex_list","name":"resp_sex","label_english":"Enumerator to note down respondent gender (if in doubt, ask)","label_arabic":"جامع البيانات٠ادخل جنس المشارك (اذا كان في شك اطرح سؤال)","label_french":"Enqueteur doit noter le genre de la personne interrogée (si en doute, posez la question)","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18'))","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one md_13_children_in_hh_list","name":"children_in_hh","label_english":"Are there any children/youth (below 18 years old) living in your household?","label_arabic":"هل يوجد أي أطفال أو شباب (أعمارهم أقل من 18 سنة) يعيشون في منزلك؟","label_french":"Y-a-t-il des enfants/jeunes (de moins de 18 ans) dans votre ménage?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and (${persons_sharing_accommodation}>0 and ${other_members_of_hh}>0)","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_multiple md_17_unaccompanied_separated_children_list","name":"unaccompanied_separated_children","label_english":"Are you aware of any migrant or refugee girls or boys below 18 years old in your baladiya who live without parents or primary caregivers (mitkaffel)?","label_arabic":"هل تعلم بوجود أي فتيات أو فتيان مهاجرين أو لاجئين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا في بلدتك يعيشون بدون آباء أو مقدمي رعاية أساسيين (متكفل)؟","label_french":"Êtes-vous au courant de filles ou garcons migrants ou refugiés de moins de 18 ans dans votre baladiya qui habitent ici sans leurs parents ou tuteurs (mitkaffel)?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18'))","constraint":"(selected(.,'no') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’no’) or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list but probe if necessary with age groups","hint_arabic":"لا تقرأ القائمة ولكن تحقق إذا لزم الأمر من الفئات العمرية","hint_french":"\r\nNe lisez pas la liste mais sondez si nécessaire avec les tranches d'âge"} {"type":"select_one md_18_length_stay_libya_list","name":"length_stay_libya","label_english":"How long have you been living in Libya?","label_arabic":"منذ متى تعيش في ليبيا ؟","label_french":"Pendant combien de temps avez-vous vécu en Libye?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18'))","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one md_19_been_before_libya_list","name":"been_before_libya","label_english":"Had you already lived/spent time in Libya before this period?","label_arabic":"هل سبق وقضيت وقتاً في ليبيا قبل هذه الفترة ؟","label_french":"Vous aviez déjà vécu/passé du temps en Libye avant cette periode?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18'))","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"displacement","label_english":"Displacement","label_arabic":"الهجرة/النزوح","label_french":"Déplacement","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_multiple di_1_travel_to_libya_list","name":"travel_to_libya","label_english":"Did you travel to Libya alone or with other people?","label_arabic":"هل سافرت إلى ليبيا بمفردك أو مع أشخاص آخرين؟","label_french":"Avez-vous voyagé en Libye seul/e ou avec d'autres personnes?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'alone') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’alone’) or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"travel_to_libya_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${travel_to_libya},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple di_2_reasons_come_libya_list","name":"reasons_come_libya","label_english":"Why did you decide to come to Libya?","label_arabic":"لماذا قررت المجيء إلى ليبيا؟","label_french":"Pourquoi avez-vous decidé de venir en Libye?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'no') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,’none’) and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’none’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta') or selected(.,'no'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"reasons_come_libya_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${reasons_come_libya},'other')"} {"type":"select_one di_3_migration_intentions_list","name":"migration_intentions","label_english":"What are your migration intentions for the next 6 months?","label_arabic":"ما هي نواياك للهجرة خلال ال6 أشهر القادمة؟","label_french":"Quelles sont vos intentions de migration dans les 6 prochains mois?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"select_multiple di_4_reasons_stay_in_libya_list","name":"reasons_stay_in_libya","label_english":"Why do you have the intention to stay in Libya?","label_arabic":"لماذا تنوي البقاء في ليبيا؟","label_french":"Pourquoi souhaitez-vous rester en Libye?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${migration_intentions},'stay_baladiya_libya') or selected(${migration_intentions},'move_baladiya_libya')","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'no') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,’none’) and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’none’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta') or selected(.,'no'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"reasons_stay_in_libya_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${reasons_stay_in_libya},'other')"} {"type":"select_one di_5_duration_stay_libya_list","name":"duration_stay_libya","label_english":"How long do you plan to stay in Libya for?","label_arabic":"كم من الوقت تخطط للبقاء في ليبيا؟","label_french":"Combien de temps avez-vous l'intention de passer en Libye?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${migration_intentions},'stay_baladiya_libya') or selected(${migration_intentions},'move_baladiya_libya')","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"select_multiple di_6_reasons_leave_libya_list","name":"reasons_leave_libya","label_english":"Why do you have the intention to leave Libya?","label_arabic":"لماذا تنوي الهجرة؟","label_french":"Pourquoi avez-vous l'intention de partir de Libye?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${migration_intentions},'leave_libya')","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'no') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,’none’) and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’none’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta') or selected(.,'no'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"reasons_leave_libya_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${reasons_leave_libya},'other')"} {"type":"select_one di_7_leave_destination_list","name":"leave_destination","label_english":"Where do you want to go after Libya?","label_arabic":"أين تريد أن تذهب بعد ليبيا؟","label_french":"Ou est-ce que vous aimerez aller après la Libye?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${migration_intentions},'leave_libya')","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"leave_destination_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${leave_destination},'move_elsewhere')"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"income_source","label_english":"Income Source","label_arabic":"مصادر الدخل","label_french":"Sources de revenue","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_multiple cm_1_main_source_income_list","name":"main_source_income","label_english":"What are your main sources of income?","label_arabic":"ما هي مصادرك الرئيسية للدخل؟","label_french":"Quelles sont votre sources principales de revenue?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"if(selected(., 'no_income') or selected(., 'dwta'), count-selected(.) = 1, count-selected(.) >= 1)","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list but probe with answer options if needed","hint_arabic":"لا تقرأ قائمة ولكن استخدم خيارات الأسئلة باعتبارها أسئلة استقصائية","hint_french":"Ne lisez pas la liste, mais sondez avec des options de réponse si nécessaire"} {"type":"text","name":"main_source_income_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${main_source_income},'other')"} {"type":"select_one cm_2_job_type_list","name":"job_type","label_english":"The next questions are about the job or type of employment that is your main source of income. What type of job is it?","label_arabic":"الأسئلة التالية هي عن الوظيفة أو نوع العمل الذي هو مصدرك الرئيسي للدخل. ما هو نوع العمل الذي تعتمد عليه؟","label_french":"Les prochaines questions sont à propos du travail ou type d'emploi qui est votre source de revenue principale. De quel type de travail s'agit-il?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${main_source_income},'working')","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"select_multiple cm_3_job_sector_list","name":"job_sector","label_english":"In which sector or sectors do you habitually work?","label_arabic":"في أي قطاع أو قطاعات تعمل عادةً؟","label_french":"Dans quel secteur ou quels secteurs vous travaillez habituellement?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${main_source_income},'working')","constraint":"if(selected(., 'dwta'), count-selected(.) = 1, count-selected(.) >= 1)","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list. For daily workers, select the sectors where they have worked in the past three months","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة. \r\nبالنسبة للعامال اليوميين ، حدد القطاعات التي عملوا فيها في الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste \r\n\r\nPour les travailleurs journaliers, sélectionnez les secteurs dans lesquels ils ont travaillé au cours des trois derniers mois"} {"type":"text","name":"job_sector_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${job_sector},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple cm_4_job_payment_list","name":"job_payment","label_english":"How do you get paid for your job?","label_arabic":"كيف تحصل على أجر مقابل عملك؟","label_french":"Comment êtes-vous payé pour votre travail?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${main_source_income},'working')","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'no') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,’none’) and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’none’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta') or selected(.,'no'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"job_payment_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${job_payment},'other')"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"income_group","label_english":"Income","label_arabic":"الدخل","label_french":"Revenue","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${main_source_income},'no_income')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_one cm_5_income_list","name":"income","label_english":"Can you estimate your personal income (in LYD) over the last 30 days?","label_arabic":"هل تستطيع أن تقدر دخلك الشخصي بالدينار الليبي على مدى الأيام 30 الماضية ؟","label_french":"Pouvez-vous estimer votre revenue personnelle (en LYD) dans les 30 jours passés ?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list, but select the category that applies","hint_arabic":"لا تقرأ القائمة ولكن حدد الفئة المناسبة","hint_french":"Ne lisez pas la liste, mais sélectionnez la catégorie qui s'applique"} {"type":"integer","name":"income_over","label_english":"If more than 2350, please specify the amount","label_arabic":"إذا كان دخلك أكثر من 2350، هل يمكنك تحديد المبلغ؟","label_french":"Si 2350 ou plus, s'il vous plaît précisez le montant","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${income},'2350_more')","constraint":".>= 2350"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"expenditure_group","label_english":"Expenditure Total","label_arabic":"مجموع النفقات","label_french":"Dépenses","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_one cm_7_expenditure_list","name":"expenditure","label_english":"In the last 30 days <\/span>, could you estimate how much you spent for in total in LYD?","label_arabic":"هل يمكنك تقدير المبلغ الإجمالي الذي أنفقته شخصيا بالدينار الليبي في آخر 30 يومًا <\/span>؟","label_french":"Dans les dérniers 30 jours <\/span>, pourriez-vous estimer combien vous avez depensé en total (en LYD)?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list, but select the category that applies","hint_arabic":"لا تقرأ القائمة ولكن حدد الفئة المناسبة","hint_french":"Ne lisez pas la liste, mais sélectionnez la catégorie qui s'applique"} {"type":"integer","name":"expenditure_over","label_english":"If more than 2350, please specify the amount","label_arabic":"إذا تتجاوز نفقاتك أكثر من 2350، هل يمكنك تحديد المبلغ؟","label_french":"Si 2350 ou plus, s'il vous plaît précisez le montant","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${expenditure},'2350_more')","constraint":".>= 2350"} {"type":"calculate","name":"expenditure_total","required":"TRUE","calculation":"number(substring-after(${expenditure}, '_'))"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"expenditure_30","label_english":"Expenditure 30","label_arabic":"النفقات 30","label_french":"Dépenses 30","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))","appearance":"field-list"} {"type":"note","name":"expenditure_category_month","label_english":"__During the past 30 days <\/span>, how much did you spend, in LYD, on each of the following categories of items for domestic consumption?__","label_arabic":"__خلال الثلاثين يومًا <\/span> الماضية ، كم أنفقت بالدينار الليبي على كل عنصر من العناصر التالية للاستهلاك المنزلي؟__","label_french":"__Au cours des 30 dérniers jours <\/span>, combien avez-vous dépensé, en LYD, pour chacune des catégories suivantes d’articles destinés à la consommation du ménage?__","hint_english":"Read list and enter integer for each. Emphasize \"past 30 days\". If respondents do not want to answer, please enter 999 for each option","hint_arabic":"اقرأ القائمة وأدخل عددًا صحيحًا لكل منها. أكد على \"الثلاثين يومًا الماضية\". إذا لم يرغب المستجيبون في الإجابة ، يرجى إدخال 999 لكل خيار","hint_french":"Lisez la liste et entrez un numero pour chacun. Insistez sur \"les 30 derniers jours\". Si les répondants ne veulent pas répondre, veuillez saisir 999 pour chaque option"} {"type":"integer","name":"food","label_english":"Food","label_arabic":"طعام","label_french":"Nourriture","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"water","label_english":"Water","label_arabic":"ماء","label_french":"Eau","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"rent","label_english":"Rent (incl.utilities)","label_arabic":"الإيجار (بما في ذلك المرافق)","label_french":"Loyer (y compris les charges)","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"hygiene_items","label_english":"Hygiene items (soap, female hygiene products, etc)","label_arabic":"التكاليف الصحية (بما في ذلك الأدوية)","label_french":"Articles d’hygiène (savon, produits d’hygiène féminine, etc.)","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"cooking_fuel","label_english":"Cooking fuel","label_arabic":"وقود","label_french":"Combustible de cuisson","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"transportation","label_english":"Transportation (public or private)","label_arabic":"النقل (عام أو خاص)","label_french":"Transport (public ou privé)","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"communication","label_english":"Communication (phone credit, internet, etc.)","label_arabic":"الاتصالات (مثل رصيد الهاتف)","label_french":"Communication (crédit téléphonique, internet, etc.)","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"education","label_english":"Education","label_arabic":"تعليم","label_french":"Education","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"recreational expenses","label_english":"Recreational expenses","label_arabic":"المصاريف الترفيهية","label_french":"Frais de loisirs","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"other_regular_expense","label_english":"Any other regular expense (please specify)","label_arabic":"أي مصاريف عادية أخرى (يرجى التحديد)","label_french":"Toute autre dépense ordinaire (veuillez préciser)","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0","hint_english":"If respondents do not want to answer, please enter 999","hint_arabic":"إذا لم يرغب المستجيبون في الإجابة ، يرجى إدخال 999","hint_french":"Si les répondants ne veulent pas répondre, veuillez saisir 999"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"expenditure_30_other"} {"type":"text","name":"other_regular_specify","label_english":"If you reported any other regular expenses, what are they?","label_arabic":"إذا ذكرت أي مصاريف عادية أخرى ، ما هي ؟","label_french":"Si vous avez déclaré d'autres dépenses régulières, quelles sont-elles?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"${other_regular_expense}>0 and ${other_regular_expense}!=999","hint_english":"If respondents do not want to answer, please enter 999","hint_arabic":"إذا لم يرغب المستجيبون في الإجابة ، يرجى إدخال 999","hint_french":"Si les répondants ne veulent pas répondre, veuillez saisir 999"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"calculate","name":"calculated_expenditure","label_english":"calculated_expenditure","calculation":"if(${food}!=999,${food},0)+if(${water}!=999,${water},0)+if(${rent}!=999,${rent},0)+if(${transportation}!=999,${transportation},0)+if(${communication}!=999,${communication},0)+if(${hygiene_items}!=999,${hygiene_items},0)+if(${cooking_fuel}!=999,${cooking_fuel},0)+if(${other_regular_expense}!=999,${other_regular_expense},0)"} {"type":"note","name":"expenditure_error","label_english":"Something is wrong. The sum of food and water, rent, health, clothing, hygiene items and cooking fuel can not exceed the total expenditure","label_arabic":"هناك شئ غير صحيح. لا يمكن أن يتجاوز مجموع الغذاء والماء والإيجار والصحة والملابس ومستلزمات النظافة ووقود الطهي إجمالي الإنفاق","label_french":"Quelque chose ne va pas. La somme de la nourriture et de l'eau, du loyer, de la santé, des vêtements, des articles d'hygiène et du combustible de cuisine ne peut pas dépasser la dépense totale","required":"TRUE","relevant":"${calculated_expenditure} > ${expenditure_total}","constraint_message_english":"Something is wrong. The sum of food and water, rent, health, clothing, hygiene items and cooking fuel can not exceed the total expenditure","constraint_message_arabic":"هناك شئ غير صحيح. لا يمكن أن يتجاوز مجموع الغذاء والماء والإيجار والصحة والملابس ومستلزمات النظافة ووقود الطهي إجمالي الإنفاق","constraint_message_french":"Quelque chose ne va pas. La somme de la nourriture et de l'eau, du loyer, de la santé, des vêtements, des articles d'hygiène et du combustible de cuisine ne peut pas dépasser le total des dépenses"} {"type":"begin group","name":"expenditure_6","label_english":"Expenditure 6","label_arabic":"النفقات 60","label_french":"Dépense 6","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))","appearance":"field-list"} {"type":"note","name":"expenditure_category_six_months","label_english":"__During the past 6 months <\/span>, how much did you spend, in LYD, on each of the following categories of items for domestic consumption?__","label_arabic":"__خلال الستة أشهر <\/span> الماضية ، كم أنفقت بالدينار الليبي على كل فئة من الفئات التالية من المواد اللإستهلاكية المنزلية؟__","label_french":"__Au cours des 6 mois passés <\/span>, combien avez-vous dépensé, en LYD, pour chacune des catégories suivantes d’articles destinés à la consommation du ménage?__","hint_english":"Read list and enter integer for each. Emphasize \"past 6 months\". If respondents do not want to answer, please enter 999 for each option","hint_arabic":"اقرأ القائمة وأدخل عددًا صحيحًا لكل منها. أكد على \"الأشهر الستة الماضية\". إذا لم يرغب المستجيبون في الإجابة ، يرجى إدخال 999 لكل خيار.","hint_french":"Lisez la liste et entrez un numero pour chacun. Insistez sur \"les derniers 6 mois\". Si les répondants ne veulent pas répondre, veuillez saisir 999 pour chaque option"} {"type":"integer","name":"health_costs","label_english":"Health costs (incl. medication)","label_arabic":"التكاليف الصحية (بما في ذلك الأدوية)","label_french":"Frais de santé (y compris les médicaments)","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"remittances","label_english":"Remittances (money sent to your family or friends in your country of origin)","label_arabic":"التحويلات المالية ( المبالغ المالية التي قمت بإرسالها لعاإلتك أو أصدقائك).","label_french":"Envois de fonds (argent envoyé à votre famille ou à vos amis dans votre pays d’origine)","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"nfis","label_english":"Non-food household items (clothing, blankets, cooking pots, etc.)","label_arabic":"المواد المنزلية غير الغذائية (الملابس ، البطانيات ، أواني الطبخ ، إلخ).","label_french":"Articles ménagers non alimentaires (vêtements, couvertures, casseroles, etc.)","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"travel_europe","label_english":"Migration and travel to Europe","label_arabic":"الهجرة والسفر إلى أوروبا","label_french":"Migration et voyage en Europe","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0"} {"type":"integer","name":"other_infrequent_expense","label_english":"Any other infrequent expense (please specify)","label_arabic":"أي نفقات أخرى غير متكررة (يرجى التحديد)","label_french":"Toute autre dépense occasionnelle (veuillez préciser)","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>= 0","hint_english":"If respondents do not want to answer, please enter 999","hint_arabic":"إذا لم يرغب المستجيبون في الإجابة ، يرجى إدخال 999","hint_french":"Si les répondants ne veulent pas répondre, veuillez saisir 999"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin_group","name":"expenditure_6_other"} {"type":"text","name":"other_infrequent_specify","label_english":"If you reported any other irregular expenses, what are they?","label_arabic":"إذا ذكرت أي مصاريف غير متكررة أخرى ، ما هي ؟","label_french":"Si vous avez déclaré d'autres dépenses régulières, quelles sont-elles?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"${other_infrequent_expense}>0 and ${other_infrequent_expense}!=999","hint_english":"If respondents do not want to answer, please enter 999","hint_arabic":"إذا لم يرغب المستجيبون في الإجابة ، يرجى إدخال 999","hint_french":"Si les répondants ne veulent pas répondre, veuillez saisir 999"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"calculate","name":"calculated_expenditure_6","label_english":"calculated_expenditure_6","calculation":"if(${health_costs}!=999,${health_costs},0)+if(${remittances}!=999,${remittances},0)+if(${nfis}!=999,${nfis},0)+if(${other_infrequent_expense}!=999,${other_infrequent_expense},0)"} {"type":"begin group","name":"needs","label_english":"Needs","label_arabic":"الإحتياجات","label_french":"Les Besoins","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_multiple cm_23_essential_needs_list","name":"essential_needs","label_english":"I will now list 9 categories of needs. In the past 30 days, did you ever have trouble meeting the following essential needs because you could not afford them? Please tell me for each category I will list whether you were able to afford your needs - note we are just asking about financial coverage, we will discuss other safety/security/access concerns later. \r\n","label_arabic":"سأذكر الآن تسع فئات من الاحتياجات. في الثلاثين يومًا الماضية ، هل واجهت مشكلة في تلبية هذه الاحتياجات الأساسية لأنك غير قادرعلى توفيرها ؟ يُرجى إخباري عن كل فئة سأذكرها ما إذا كنت قادرًا على تحمل احتياجاتك و تلبيتها\\توفيرها - لاحظ أننا نسأل فقط عن تلبيتها\\توفيرها من ناحية التغطية المالية ، وسنناقش فيما بعد كل ما يتعلق بالسلامة / الأمن لاحقًا.","label_french":"Je vais maintenant énumérer 9 catégories de besoins. Au cours des 30 derniers jours, avez-vous eu de la difficulté à répondre aux besoins essentiels suivants parce que vous n’en aviez pas les moyens? Veuillez me dire pour chaque catégorie que je vais énumérer si vous avez été en mesure de répondre à vos besoins - notez que nous ne parlons que de couverture financière, nous discuterons plus tard d’autres préoccupations en matière de sécurité et d’accès.","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'none') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'none'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Read list and select all that the respondent could not cover in the last 30 days. Essential needs refers to those needs that, if unsatisfied, can create severe health, safety, psychological problems, or other severe problems","hint_arabic":"اقرأ القائمة وحدد كل ما لم يستطع المجيب تغطيته في آخر 30 يومًا.\r\n\r\nتشير الاحتياجات الأساسية إلى الاحتياجات التي ، إذا لم يتم الإيفاء بها ، يمكن أن تخلق مشاكل صحية أو سلامة أو نفسية شديدة أو مشاكل خطيرة أخرى.","hint_french":"Lisez la liste et sélectionnez tout ce que le répondant n'a pas pu couvrir au cours des 30 derniers jours.\r\n\r\nLes besoins essentiels font référence aux besoins qui, s'ils ne sont pas satisfaits, peuvent créer de graves problèmes de santé, de sécurité, psychologiques ou d'autres problèmes graves."} {"type":"text","name":"essential_needs_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${essential_needs},'other')"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"lcsi","label_english":"Lcsi","label_arabic":"استراتيجيات التكيف القائمة على سبل العيش (LCSI)","label_french":"Lcsi","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"note","name":"lcsi_note","label_english":"__Now I would like to ask you some questions about how you have dealt with situations were you did not have enough resources to cover your basic needs. Could you tell me for each of the following actions whether you had to undertake them in the last 30 days because of a lack of resources? If you already used up a certain action before the last 30 days, or if a strategy is not applicable to you, please say so. In the last 30 days, when you had a lack of resources, did you ever have to ... __","label_arabic":"__أود الآن أن أطرح عليك بعض الأسئلة حول كيفية تعاملك مع بعض المواقف إذا لم يكن لديك ما يكفي من الموارد لتغطية احتياجاتك الأساسية. هل يمكنك إخباري بكل من الإجراءات التالية عما إذا كان عليك القيام بها في آخر 30 يومًا بسبب نقص الموارد؟ إذا كنت قد استخدمت بالفعل إجراءً من هذه الإجراءات لكن قبل آخر 30 يومًا ، أو إذا كانت الإستراتيجية غير قابلة للتطبيق عليك ، فيرجى قول ذلك. في الثلاثين يومًا الماضية ، عندما كان لديك نقص في الموارد ، هل اضطررت يومًا إلى ... __","label_french":"__J’aimerais maintenant vous poser quelques questions sur la façon dont vous avez traité les situations où vous n’aviez pas suffisamment de ressources pour couvrir vos besoins fondamentaux. Pourriez-vous me dire, pour chacune des mesures suivantes, si vous avez dû les prendre au cours des 30 derniers jours en raison d’un manque de ressources? Si vous avez déjà utilisé une certaine mesure avant les 30 derniers jours, ou si une stratégie ne s’applique pas à vous, veuillez le dire. Au cours des 30 derniers jours, lorsque vous avez eu un manque de ressources, avez-vous jamais eu à... __"} {"type":"select_one cm_25_sold_non_productive_assets_list","name":"sold_non_productive_assets","label_english":"Sold non-productive household assets or goods (TV, household appliance, furniture, gold, etc.)","label_arabic":"بيع أي أدوات منزلية مثل الأثاث أو الذهب","label_french":"Vendre des biens ou articles ménagers non productifs (télévision, appareils ménagers, meubles, or, etc.)","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one cm_26_spent_savings_list","name":"spent_savings","label_english":"Spent savings","label_arabic":"إنفاق مدخرات؟","label_french":"Dépenser votre epargne","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one cm_27_borrowed_money_list","name":"borrowed_money","label_english":"Borrowed money","label_arabic":"إلى اقتراض المال لتغطية الاحتياجات الأساسية؟","label_french":"Emprunter de l'argent","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one cm_28_sold_productive_assets_list","name":"sold_productive_assets","label_english":"Sold productive household assets or means of transport (sewing machine, wheelbarrow, car, etc.)","label_arabic":"بيع الأصول الإنتاجية المالية او وسيلة/وسائل النقل الخاصة؟ (مثلا: الة خياطة، سيارة، عربة يدوية ...)","label_french":"Vendre des biens productifs ou moyens de transport (machine à coudre, brouette, voiture, etc.)","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one cm_29_reduced_expenses_health_list","name":"reduced_expenses_health","label_english":"Reduced expenses on health (including drugs)","label_arabic":"خفض النفقات على الصحة أو الدواء؟","label_french":"Réduire les dépenses de santé (y compris les médicaments)","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one cm_30_degrading_work_list","name":"degrading_illegal_work","label_english":"Household members engaged in degrading or illegal income activities (e.g. theft, smuggling)","label_arabic":"إنخراط أحد أعضاء الأسرة في أنشطة مهينة أو غير مشروعة للدخل (مثل السرقة والتهريب)؟","label_french":"Membres du ménage qui se livrent à des activités dégradantes ou illégales (p. ex., vol, contrebande)","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one cm_31_money_strangers_list","name":"money_strangers","label_english":"Asked money from strangers","label_arabic":"طلب المال من الغرباء؟","label_french":"Demander de l’argent à des inconnus","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one cm_32_sold_house_land_list","name":"sold_house_land","label_english":"Sold house or land","label_arabic":"بيع منزل او ارض تملكها؟","label_french":"Vendre la maison ou le terrain","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one cm_33_additional_job_list","name":"additional_job","label_english":"Took on an additional job","label_arabic":"إتخاذ وظيفة إضافية ؟","label_french":"Accepter un emploi supplémentaire","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one cm_34_reduced_expenses_nfi_list","name":"reduced_expenses_nfi","label_english":"Reduced expenditures on essential non-food items (water, hygiene items, etc.)","label_arabic":"تقليل النفقات على مواد النظافة أو الصحة أو التعليم؟","label_french":"Réduire les dépenses pour les articles non alimentaires essentiels (eau, articles d’hygiène, etc.)","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"facilities","label_english":"Facilities","label_arabic":"مرافق الأساسية","label_french":"Installations","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_multiple sh_1_household_items_need_list","name":"household_items_need","label_english":"I will read a list of household items, please tell me which of these items you don't have and need urgently.","label_arabic":"سوف أقرأ قائمة بالأدوات المنزلية ، من فضلك أخبرني أي من هذه العناصر تنقصك و لا تملكها وتحتاجها بشكل عاجل.","label_french":"Je vais vous lire une liste d’articles ménagers. Veuillez me dire lesquels de ces articles vous n’avez pas et dont vous auriez besoin en urgence.","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'none') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'none'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Read list and select all that the respondent is in need of","hint_arabic":"اقرأ القائمة وحدد كل ما يحتاجه المجيب","hint_french":"Lisez la liste et sélectionnez tout ce dont le répondant a besoin"} {"type":"select_one sh_2_shelter_type_list","name":"shelter_type","label_english":"What type of house or accomodation do you live in?","label_arabic":"ما نوع المنزل أو المسكن الذي تعيش فيه؟","label_french":"Dans quel type de maison ou d’hébergement vivez-vous?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"shelter_type_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${shelter_type},'other')"} {"type":"integer","name":"shelter_rooms","label_english":"In total, how many bedrooms/sleeping areas are there in use in your accommodation?\r\r","label_arabic":"بشكل إجمالي ، كم عدد غرف النوم / مناطق النوم المستخدمة في مكان إقامتك؟","label_french":"Au total, combien de chambres et de pièces de couchage sont utilisées dans votre logement?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${shelter_type},'outdoors_no_shelter'))","constraint":".<=20","hint_english":"Note: we are not referring here to other spaces (e.g. halls, corridors etc.) that may be used for sleeping","hint_arabic":"ملاحظة: لا نشير هنا إلى أماكن أخرى (مثل القاعات والممرات وما إلى ذلك) التي يمكن استخدامها للنوم","hint_french":"\r\nNote : nous ne nous référons pas ici à d'autres espaces (par exemple des salles, des couloirs, etc.) qui peuvent être utilisés pour dormir"} {"type":"select_one sh_4_occupancy_status_list","name":"occupancy_status","label_english":"How would you describe your occupancy status? For example, do you own the house, or is someone else paying for it?","label_arabic":"كيف تصف حالة المسكن الخاصة بك حليا؟ على سبيل المثال ، هل تملك المنزل ، أو يدفعه عنك شخص آخر ؟","label_french":"Comment décririez-vous votre statut d’occupation? Par exemple, est-ce que vous êtes propriétaire de la maison ou est-ce que quelqu’un d’autre paie pour cela?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${shelter_type},'outdoors_no_shelter'))","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"occupancy_status_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${occupancy_status},'other')"} {"type":"select_one sh_5_shelter_damage_list","name":"shelter_damage","label_english":"Does the accomodation currently have any damage or defects?","label_arabic":"هل يوجد نوع من الضرر في مسكنك الحالي؟","label_french":"L'abri a-t-il actuellement des dommages ou des défauts?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${shelter_type},'outdoors_no_shelter'))","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"select_multiple sh_6_shelter_issues_list","name":"shelter_issues","label_english":"If your shelter has any problems, what are they? We are referring here to the material conditions of the shelter.","label_arabic":"إذا كان المأوى الخاص بك لديه أي مشاكل، ما هي؟ نحن نشير هنا إلى حالة المأوى المادية.","label_french":"Si votre abri a des problèmes, quels sont-ils? Nous faisons ici référence aux conditions matérielles de l'abri.","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${shelter_type},'outdoors_no_shelter'))","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,’none’) and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’none’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list, but use the answer options as probes","hint_arabic":"لا تقرأ قائمة ولكن استخدم خيارات الأسئلة باعتبارها أسئلة استقصائية","hint_french":"Ne lisez pas la liste, mais utilisez les options de réponse comme sondes"} {"type":"text","name":"shelter_issues_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${shelter_issues},'other')"} {"type":"select_one sh_9_electricity_source_list","name":"electricity_source","label_english":"What is your main source of elecricity?","label_arabic":"ما هو مصدرك الرئيسي للكهرباء؟","label_french":"Quelle est la source principale d'electricite dans votre logement?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"electricity_source_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${electricity_source},'other')"} {"type":"integer","name":"electricity_hours","label_english":"During the past week, how many hours per day, on average, did you experience power cuts? Enter '0' if you did not experience any power cuts","label_arabic":"كم ساعة في اليوم ، على حسب التقدير ​​، واجهت إنقطاع التيار الكهربائي؟ أدخل \"0\" إذا لم تواجه أي إنقطاعات على الإطلاق","label_french":"Combien d'heures par jour, en moyenne, avez-vous connu des coupures de courant? Entrez « 0 » si vous n’avez pas connu de coupures de courant","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${electricity_source},'city_grid') or selected(${electricity_source},'personal_generator') or selected(${electricity_source},'communal_generator') or selected(${electricity_source},'solar_panels')","constraint":".>=0 and .<=24","hint_english":"Read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez lire la liste"} {"type":"select_one sh_7_eviction_list","name":"eviction","label_english":"Have you experienced eviction or the threat of eviction within the past 6 months?","label_arabic":"هل تعرضت للإخلاء أو التهديد بالإخلاء خلال الأشهر الستة الماضية؟","label_french":"Avez-vous été victime d’une expulsion ou d’une menace d’expulsion du logement au cours des six derniers mois?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Use question options as probes, in case they say no ask about someone they know","hint_arabic":"استخدم خيارات الأسئلة باعتبارها أسئلة استقصائية ، في حالة رفضهم للإجابة ، اطرح نفس السؤال ولكن فيما يتعلق بشخص يعرفونه","hint_french":"Utilisez les options de questions comme sondes, au cas où ils diraient non, posez les questions sur quelqu’un qu’ils connaissent"} {"type":"select_multiple sh_8_reasons_eviction_list","name":"reasons_eviction","label_english":"Why do you think you were evicted / threatened with eviction?","label_arabic":"لماذا تعتقد أنه تم طردك أو تهديدك بالإخلاء؟","label_french":"Pourquoi avez-vous été expulsé ou menacé d’expulsion, selon vous?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${eviction},'threatened_verbally') or selected(${eviction},'threatened_written') or selected(${eviction},'evicted')","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"reasons_eviction_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${reasons_eviction},'other')"} {"type":"select_one wa_1_sanitation_facility_list","name":"sanitation_facility","label_english":"What kind of sanitation facility (latrine/toilet) do you usually use?","label_arabic":"ما هو نوع مرفق الصرف الصحي (المرحاض) الذي تستخدمه عادة؟","label_french":"Quel type d’installation sanitaire (latrines/toilettes) utilisez-vous habituellement?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"sanitation_facility_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${sanitation_facility},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple wa_2_sanitation_facility_problems_list","name":"sanitation_facility_problems","label_english":"If the sanitation facilities you commonly use have any problems; what are they? We are referring here the material conditions of the facility.","label_arabic":"إذا كانت مرافق الصرف الصحي التي تستخدمها عادة تعاني من أي من المشاكل ؛ ما هي ؟ نحن نشير هنا إلى الظروف المادية للمرفق الصحي.","label_french":"Si les installations sanitaires que vous utilisez couramment ont des problèmes, quels sont-ils? Nous faisons référence ici aux conditions matérielles de l’installation.","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${sanitation_facility},'open_hole')) and not(selected(${sanitation_facility},'plastic_bag')) and not(selected(${sanitation_facility},'none'))","constraint":"(selected(.,'none') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’dwta’) or selected(.,'none'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list, but use the answer options as probes","hint_arabic":"لا تقرأ قائمة ولكن استخدم خيارات الأسئلة باعتبارها أسئلة استقصائية","hint_french":"Ne lisez pas la liste, mais utilisez les options de réponse comme sondes"} {"type":"text","name":"sanitation_facility_problems_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${sanitation_facility_problems},'other')"} {"type":"select_one wa_3_soap_in_hh_list","name":"soap_in_hh","label_english":"Do you currently have soap in your household?","label_arabic":"هل يوجد لديك حاليًا صابون في منزلك؟","label_french":"En ce moment, avez-vous du savon dans votre logement?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one wa_4_main_source_water_list","name":"main_source_water","label_english":"What is your main source of drinking water?","label_arabic":"ما هو مصدرك الرئيسي لمياه الشرب؟","label_french":"Quelle est votre principale source d’eau potable ?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"main_source_water_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${main_source_water},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple wa_5_water_quantity_list","name":"water_quantity","label_english":"In the past 30 days, were there ever any times that you did not have enough water to meet any of the following needs?","label_arabic":"خلال الثلاثين يومًا الماضية ، هل واجهت أوقات لم يكن لديك فيها ما يكفي من الماء لتلبية أي من الاحتياجات التالية؟","label_french":"Au cours des 30 derniers jours, y a-t-il eu des fois où vous n'avez pas eu assez d'eau pour répondre à l'un des besoins suivants ?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'all_needs_met') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’all_needs_met’) or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Read list and and select all needs that the respondent was not able to meet.","hint_arabic":"اقرأ القائمة وحدد جميع الاحتياجات التي لم يتمكن المستفتى من تلبيتها.","hint_french":"Lisez la liste et sélectionnez tous les besoins que le répondant n'a pas pu satisfaire."} {"type":"select_one wa_6_access_public_network_list","name":"access_public_network","label_english":"Over the past 30 days, on average how many days per week did you have access to water from the public network?","label_arabic":"على مدار الثلاثين يومًا الماضية ، كم عدد الأيام في الأسبوع التي حصلت فيها على المياه من الشبكة العامة؟","label_french":"Au cours des 30 derniers jours, en moyenne, combien de jours par semaine votre ménage a-t-il eu accès à l’eau du réseau public?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"fcs","label_english":"Fcs","label_arabic":"معدل استهلاك الغذاء","label_french":"Fcs","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))","appearance":"field-list"} {"type":"note","name":"fcs_note","label_english":"__Now, I would like to ask you a few questions about the meals you had in the last 7 days. This information will help us understand the range of foods eaten in Libya, and if there is anything important missing. I will list 8 food groups, can you tell me for each, how often you have eaten them in the last 7 days? First, how often in the last 7 days have you eaten ... __","label_arabic":"__الآن ، أود أن أطرح عليك بعض الأسئلة حول الوجبات التي تناولتها في آخر 7 أيام. ستساعدنا هذه المعلومات على فهم مجموعة الأطعمة التي يتم تناولها في ليبيا ، وإذا كان هناك أي أغذية أساسية مفقودة ، سأذكر 8 مجموعات أطعمة ، هل يمكنك أن تخبرني خلال الأيام السبعة الماضية، ما هو عدد الأيام التي تناولت فيها مجموعة من هذه المجموعات الغذائية التالية؟ أولاً ،في الأيام السبعة الأخيرة كم من مرة تناولت .... __","label_french":"__Maintenant, j’aimerais vous poser quelques questions sur les repas que vous avez eu au cours des 7 derniers jours. Cette information nous aidera à comprendre la gamme d’aliments consommés en Libye et s’il manque quelque chose d’important. Je vais énumérer 8 groupes alimentaires, pouvez-vous me dire pour chacun, avec quelle fréquence vous les avez mangés au cours des 7 derniers jours? Premièrement, combien de fois au cours des sept derniers jours avez-vous mangé... __","hint_english":"If respondents do not want to answer, please enter 999 for each option","hint_arabic":"إذا لم يرغب المستجيبون في الإجابة ، يرجى إدخال 999 لكل خيار","hint_french":"Si les répondants ne veulent pas répondre, veuillez saisir 999 pour chaque option"} {"type":"integer","name":"cereals","label_english":"Cereals, grains such as bread and pasta, and potatoes","label_arabic":"الحبوب والدرنات (بما في ذلك خبز القمح والمعكرونة والأرز والكسكسي والبطاطس وغيرها)","label_french":"Céréales, graines tels que pain et les pâtes, et pommes de terre","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"integer","name":"beans","label_english":"Beans or nuts","label_arabic":"البقوليات والمكسرات","label_french":"Haricots ou noix","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"integer","name":"milk","label_english":"Milk and dairy products, such as cheese or yoghurt","label_arabic":"الحليب ومنتجات الألبان","label_french":"Lait et produits laitiers, comme le fromage ou le yaourt","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"integer","name":"proteins","label_english":"Eggs, meat, and fish","label_arabic":"البيض واللحوم والأسماك","label_french":"Œufs, viande et poisson","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"integer","name":"vegetables","label_english":"Vegetables","label_arabic":"الخضروات والورقيات","label_french":"Légumes","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"integer","name":"fruits","label_english":"Fruits","label_arabic":"الفواكه","label_french":"Fruits","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"integer","name":"oil_and_fat","label_english":"Oil and fat, such as vegetable oil or butter","label_arabic":"الزيوت والدهون بما في ذلك الزيت النباتي والزبدة","label_french":"Huile et matières grasses, comme l’huile végétale ou le beurre","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"integer","name":"sugar_sweets","label_english":"Sugar and sweets, such as jam, or sugary drinks","label_arabic":"السكر والحلويات بما في ذلك السكر والعسل والمربى","label_french":"Sucre et sucreries, tels que la confiture ou les boissons sucrées","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"rcsi","label_english":"Rcsi","label_arabic":"مؤشر استراتيجيات المواجهة المخفضة (rCSI)","label_french":"Rcsi","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))","appearance":"field-list"} {"type":"note","name":"rcsi_note","label_english":"__Now, I would like to ask you a few questions about actions you may taken in the last 7 days to deal with a lack of food or money to buy food. For each action, could you tell me how many days you have had to undertake the action? Note that these questions can be sensitive, and if you prefer not to answer at any stage just let us know and we will move on.In the past 7 days, if there have been times when you did not have enough food or money to buy food, on how many days has your household had to: __","label_arabic":"__الآن ، أود أن أطرح عليك بعض الأسئلة حول الإجراءات التي قد تتخذها في الأيام السبعة الماضية للتعامل مع نقص الطعام أو المال لشراء الطعام. لكل إجراء ، هل يمكن أن تخبرني كم عدد الأيام التي كان عليك القيام بها؟\r\nلاحظ أن هذه الأسئلة يمكن أن تكون حساسة ، وإذا كنت تفضل عدم الإجابة في أي مرحلة ، فأخبرنا بذلك وسنمضي قدمًا. في الأيام السبعة الماضية ، إذا كانت هناك أوقات لم يكن لديك فيها ما يكفي من الطعام أو المال لشراء الطعام ، فكم عدد الأيام التي اضطرت فيها أسرتك إلى: __","label_french":"__Maintenant, j’aimerais vous poser quelques questions sur les mesures que vous avez prises au cours des sept derniers jours pour faire face à un manque de nourriture ou d’argent pour acheter de la nourriture. Pour chaque action, pourriez-vous me dire pendant combien de jours vous avez du prendre cette mesure?Notez que ces questions peuvent être sensibles, et si vous préférez ne pas y répondre à n’importe quel moment, dites-le nous et nous passerons à autre chose. Au cours des sept derniers jours, s’il est arrivé que vous n’ayez pas assez de nourriture ou d’argent pour acheter de la nourriture, pendant combien de jours votre ménage a-t-il dû : __","hint_english":"If respondents do not want to answer, please enter 999 for each option","hint_arabic":"إذا لم يرغب المستجيبون في الإجابة ، يرجى إدخال 999 لكل خيار","hint_french":"Si les répondants ne veulent pas répondre, veuillez saisir 999 pour chaque option"} {"type":"integer","name":"borrow_food","label_english":"Borrow/receive food from friends or relatives","label_arabic":"استعارة / تلقي الطعام من الأصدقاء أو الأقارب","label_french":"Emprunter ou recevoir de la nourriture d’amis ou parents","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"integer","name":"limit_portion_all","label_english":"Limit portion size for all HH members at mealtimes","label_arabic":"تحديد حجم الجزء لجميع أفراد الأسرة في أوقات الوجبات","label_french":"Limiter la taille des portions pour tous les membres du ménage au moment des repas","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"integer","name":"limit_intake_adults","label_english":"Reduce portion sizes and meals for adults in order for small children to eat","label_arabic":"التقليل من أحجام الحصص الغذائية ووجبات الطعام للبالغين حتى يتمكن الأطفال الصغار من تناولها","label_french":"Réduire la taille des portions et les repas pour les adultes afin que les jeunes enfants puissent manger","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"integer","name":"reduce_amount_meals","label_english":"Reduce the number of meals eaten in a day (for all HH members)","label_arabic":"تقليل عدد الوجبات التي يتم تناولها في اليوم (لجميع أفراد الأسرة)","label_french":"Réduire le nombre de repas consommés par jour (pour tous les membres du menage)","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"integer","name":"rely_less_preferred","label_english":"Rely on less preferred and less expensive foods","label_arabic":"الاعتماد على الأطعمة الأقل تفضيلاً والأقل تكلفة","label_french":"Manger des aliments moins préférés et moins coûteux","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(.>=0 and .<=7) or .=999"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"markets","label_english":"Markets","label_arabic":"الأسواق","label_french":"Marchés","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_one cm_35_marketplace_access_list","name":"marketplace_access","label_english":"Do you have access to a marketplace or grocery store within 30 minutes travel time in your mahalla or close to your mahalla?","label_arabic":"هل تستطيع الوصول إلى سوق أو محل بقالة في غضون 30 دقيقة من التنقل في المحلة أو بالقرب من منزلك؟","label_french":"Avez-vous accès à un marché ou à une épicerie dans un délai de 30 minutes de votre logement dans votre mahalla ou près de votre mahalla?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_one cm_36_marketplace_barriers_list","name":"marketplace_barriers","label_english":"In the last 30 days, did you face any barriers to consistently accessing markets?","label_arabic":"في الثلاثين يومًا الماضية ، هل واجهت أي عوائق للوصول المستمر إلى الأسواق؟","label_french":"Au cours des 30 derniers jours, avez-vous rencontré des obstacles pour accéder constamment aux marchés?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_multiple cm_37_marketplace_barriers_type_list","name":"marketplace_barriers_type","label_english":"What kinds of barriers to accessing markets did you experience?","label_arabic":"أي نوع من الحواجز واجهت للوصول إلى الأسواق؟","label_french":"Quels types d'obstacles à l'accès aux marchés avez-vous rencontrés ?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${marketplace_barriers},'yes')","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"marketplace_barriers_type_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${marketplace_barriers_type},'other')"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"debt_group","label_english":"Debt","label_arabic":"الديون","label_french":"Dette","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_multiple cm_38_debt_list","name":"debt","label_english":"Have you accumulated debt from any of the following sources during the past 3 months?","label_arabic":"هل إتخذت ديون من أي من المصادر التالية خلال الأشهر الثلاث الماضية؟","label_french":"Avez-vous accumulé des dettes envers une des sources suivantes au cours des trois derniers mois?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'no_debt') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’no_debt’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez lire la liste"} {"type":"select_multiple cm_39_reasons_debt_list","name":"reasons_debt","label_english":"What was the reason for taking on debt?","label_arabic":"إذا كان أي من الإجابات بنعم :ما هو السبب الرئيسي لاخذ الدين؟","label_french":"Quelle a été la raison pour s'endetter ?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${debt},'official_lender') or selected(${debt},'vendors') or selected(${debt},'friend_family') or selected(${debt},'employer')","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"reasons_debt_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${reasons_debt},'other')"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"health","label_english":"Health","label_arabic":"الصحة","label_french":"Santé","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_multiple he_3_healthcare_access_type_list","name":"healthcare_access_type","label_english":"If you needed healthcare, what kind of health facilities would you have access to in your Baladiya? E.g. Where would you go if you had a health problem?","label_arabic":"إذا احتجت للرعاية الصحية، ما نوع المنشآت الصحية التي يمكن الوصول إليها في بلديتك؟ على سبيل المثال، إلى أين ستذهب إذا كان لديك مشكلة صحية؟\r\n\r\n","label_french":"Si vous aviez besoin de soins médicaux, à quel type d'établissements de santé auriez-vous accès dans votre Baladiya ? Par exemple, où iriez-vous si vous aviez un problème de santé ?\r\n","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'no_facilities_accessible') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta') or selected(.,'no_facilities_accessible'))","hint_english":"Read list and select all that apply. Note: a person who can physically access a facility but would not go there because unable to pay or scared of arrest should not considered as having access to it","hint_arabic":"اقرأ القائمة واختر كل ما ينطبق. ملاحظة: لا ينبغي إعتبار الشخص الذي يستطيع الوصول جسديا إلى منشأة ولكنه لن يذهب إلى هناك بسبب عدم قدرته على الدفع أو الخوف من الاعتقال أنه قادر على الوصول إليها","hint_french":"Lire la liste et sélectionner toutes les réponses qui s’appliquent. Remarque : Une personne qui peut accéder physiquement à un établissement, mais qui n’y irait pas parce qu’elle est incapable de payer ou qui a peur d’être arrêtée ne devrait pas être considérée comme ayant accès à celui-ci."} {"type":"text","name":"healthcare_access_type_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${healthcare_access_type},'other')"} {"type":"select_one he_1_healthcare_access_need_list","name":"healthcare_access_need","label_english":"During the last 3 months, did you ever have a health problem and needed to access health care (including mental health services)?","label_arabic":"خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية ، هل عانيت من مشكلة صحية وإحتجت الحصول على الرعاية الصحية (بما في ذلك خدمات الصحة النفسية و العقلية)؟\r\n\r\n","label_french":"Au cours des 3 derniers mois, avez-vous déjà eu un problème de santé et avez-vous eu besoin d'accéder aux soins de santé (y compris les services de santé mentale) ?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Note: a health problem here refers to a problem that cannot (or should not) be addressed with painkillers or other over-the-counter medication alone","hint_arabic":"ملاحظة: تشير المشكلة الصحية هنا إلى مشكلة لا يمكن (أو لا ينبغي) معالجتها بمسكنات الألم فقط أو الأدوية الأخرى التي لا تستلزم وصفة طبية .\r\n","hint_french":"Remarque : Un problème de santé ici fait référence à un problème qui ne peut pas (ou ne devrait pas) être réglé avec des analgésiques ou d’autres médicaments en vente libre seulement."} {"type":"select_one he_2_healthcare_access_seek_list","name":"healthcare_access_seek","label_english":"If you had a health problem in the last 3 months, where did you go to seek health care?","label_arabic":"في صورة تعرضك لمشكلة صحية خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية، أين ذهبت للتحصل على الرعاية الصحية ؟","label_french":"Si vous avez eu un problème de santé au cours des 3 derniers mois, où êtes-vous allé pour obtenir des soins de santé ?\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t\r\n","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${healthcare_access_need},'yes')","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"text","name":"healthcare_access_seek_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${healthcare_access_seek},'other')"} {"type":"select_one he_4_healthcare_access_obtained_list","name":"healthcare_access_obtained","label_english":"If you needed access to healthcare in the past three months, were you able to obtain health care when you felt you needed it?","label_arabic":"إذا إحتجت للرعاية الصحية خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية، هل تمكنت من الحصول عليها؟\r\n\r\n","label_french":"Si vous avez eu besoin de soins de santé au cours des trois derniers mois, avez-vous pu obtenir des soins de santé lorsque vous estimiez en avoir besoin ?\r\n","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${healthcare_access_need},'yes')","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Note: Visiting a pharmacy does not count as obtaining health care","hint_arabic":"ملاحظة. اللجوء إلى صيدلية لا يعتبر حصولا على الرعاية الصحية.\r\n","hint_french":"Remarque : Visiter une pharmacie ne signifie pas obtenir des soins de santé"} {"type":"select_multiple he_5_healthcare_barriers_prevented_list","name":"healthcare_barriers_prevented","label_english":"What barriers, if any, did you experience that prevented you from accessing the health care you needed in the past 3 months? [choose up to 3 most important].","label_arabic":"ما هي العوائق التي واجهتها والتي منعتك من الوصول إلى الرعاية الصحية التي إحتاجها في الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية؟ [اختر ما يصل إلى 3 من أهمها]\r\n\r\n","label_french":"Quels obstacles, le cas échéant, avez-vous rencontrés qui vous ont empêché d'accéder aux soins médicaux dont vous aviez besoin au cours des 3 derniers mois? [choisissez jusqu'à 3 plus importants]\r\n","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${healthcare_access_obtained},'no')","constraint":"(selected(.,'none') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’none’) or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Note: Barriers to accessing health care should focus on formal health care such as health facilities, hospitals, pharmacies, NOT traditional practitioners\r\nDo not read this list to respondents. Listen to their answer and choose the three options that fit best","hint_arabic":"ملاحظة: عوائق الحصول على الرعاية الصحية تهم الخدمات الصحية الرسمية فقط مثل المستشفى أو العيادة أو الصيدلية ... و ليس العلاج التقليدي أو المعالجين التفلديين.\r\n\r\nلا تقرأ هذه القائمة على المستجيبين. استمع إلى إجابتهم واختر ثلاثة خيارات التي تتناسب أكثر مع إجابتهم","hint_french":"Remarque : Les obstacles à l'accès aux soins de santé devraient se concentrer sur les soins de santé officiels, comme les établissements de santé, les hôpitaux, les pharmacies, ET NON les praticiens traditionnels\r\n\r\nNe lisez pas cette liste aux répondants. Écoutez leur réponse et choisissez les trois options qui conviennent le mieux"} {"type":"text","name":"healthcare_barriers_prevented_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${healthcare_barriers_prevented},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple he_6_healthcare_barriers_list","name":"healthcare_barriers","label_english":"What barriers, if any, did you experience when accessing health care during the last 3 months? [choose up to 3 most important].","label_arabic":"ما هي العوائق التي واجهتها والتي منعتك من الوصول إلى الرعاية الصحية في الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية؟ [اختر ما يصل إلى 3 من أهمها] \r\n\r\n","label_french":"Quels obstacles, le cas échéant, avez-vous rencontrés lors de l'accès aux soins de santé au cours des 3 derniers mois ? [choisissez jusqu'à 3 plus importants]\r\n","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${healthcare_access_obtained},'yes')","constraint":"(selected(.,'none') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’none’) or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Note: barriers to accessing health care should focus on formal health care such as health facilities, hospitals, pharmacies, NOT traditional practitioners. \r\nDo not read this list to respondents. Listen to their answer and choose the three options that fit best","hint_arabic":"ملاحظة: عوائق الحصول على الرعاية الصحية تهم الخدمات الصحية الرسمية فقط مثل المستشفى أو العيادة أو الصيدلية ... و ليس العلاج التقليدي أو المعالجين التفلديين.\r\n\r\nلا تقرأ هذه القائمة على المستجيبين. استمع إلى إجابتهم واختر ثلاثة خيارات التي تتناسب أكثر مع إجابتهم","hint_french":"Remarque : Les obstacles à l'accès aux soins de santé devraient se concentrer sur les soins de santé officiels, comme les établissements de santé, les hôpitaux, les pharmacies, ET NON les praticiens traditionnels\r\n\r\nNe lisez pas cette liste aux répondants. Écoutez leur réponse et choisissez les trois options qui conviennent le mieux"} {"type":"text","name":"healthcare_barriers_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${healthcare_barriers},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple he_7_healthcare_possible_barriers_list","name":"healthcare_possible_barriers","label_english":"What barriers, if any, do you think you would experience if you needed to access healthcare?","label_arabic":"ما هي العوائق ، إن وجدت ، التي تعتقد أنك ستواجهها إذا احتجت إلى الحصول على الرعاية الصحية؟","label_french":"Quels obstacles, s'il y en a, pensez-vous que vous feriez face si vous aviez besoin d'accéder aux soins de santé ?\r\n","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${healthcare_access_need},'no') or selected(${healthcare_access_need},'dk') or selected(${healthcare_access_need},'dwta')","constraint":"(selected(.,'none') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’none’) or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Note: Barriers to accessing health care should focus on formal health care such as health facilities, hospitals, pharmacies, NOT traditional practitioners. \r\nDo not read this list to respondents. Listen to their answer and choose the three options that fit best","hint_arabic":"ملاحظة: عوائق الحصول على الرعاية الصحية تهم الخدمات الصحية الرسمية فقط مثل المستشفى أو العيادة أو الصيدلية ... و ليس العلاج التقليدي أو المعالجين التفلديين.\r\n\r\nلا تقرأ هذه القائمة على المستجيبين. استمع إلى إجابتهم واختر ثلاثة خيارات التي تتناسب أكثر مع إجابتهم","hint_french":"Remarque : Les obstacles à l'accès aux soins de santé devraient se concentrer sur les soins de santé officiels, comme les établissements de santé, les hôpitaux, les pharmacies, ET NON les praticiens traditionnels\r\n\r\nNe lisez pas cette liste aux répondants. Écoutez leur réponse et choisissez les trois options qui conviennent le mieux"} {"type":"text","name":"healthcare_possible_barriers_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${healthcare_possible_barriers},'other')"} {"type":"integer","name":"healthcare_travel","label_english":"How long (in minutes) does it take you to reach the nearest functional healthcare facility (including clinics, hospitals), using your normal mode of transport?","label_arabic":"ما هي المدة (بالدقائق) التي تستغرقها للوصول إلى أقرب مرفق رعاية صحية عاملة (بما في ذلك العيادات والمستشفيات) ، باستخدام وسيلة النقل العادية؟","label_french":"Combien de temps (en minutes) faut-il pour atteindre l'établissement de santé fonctionnel le plus proche (y compris les cliniques, les hôpitaux), en utilisant votre mode de transport normal ?","required":"TRUE","constraint":".>0 and .<=420","hint_english":"Please indicate time in minutes","hint_arabic":"الرجاء إدخال الوقت بالدقائق","hint_french":"Veuillez indiquer le temps en minutes"} {"type":"select_one he_9_covid_testing_list","name":"covid_testing","label_english":"Do you have access to COVID-19 testing facilities in your Baladiya?","label_arabic":"هل يمكنك الوصول إلى مرافق اختبار COVID-19 في بلديتك؟","label_french":"Avez-vous accès à des installations de test COVID-19 dans votre Baladiya ?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"protection","label_english":"Protection","label_arabic":"الحماية","label_french":"Protection","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_multiple pr_1_obstacles_obtaining_legal_docs_list","name":"obstacles_obtaining_legal_docs","label_english":"What are the obstacles, if any, to obtain legal documentation (e.g. national ID, travel documents, UNHCR registration certificate, work permit, residence permit..)?","label_arabic":"ما هي العوائق ، إن وجدت ، التي تمنعك من الحصول على وثائق قانونية (مثل بطاقة الهوية الوطنية ووثائق السفر ..)؟","label_french":"Quels sont les obstacles, le cas échéant, à l'obtention de documents juridiques (par exemple, carte d'identité nationale, documents de voyage, certificat d'enregistrement du HCR, permis de séjour, permis de travail...) ?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'no_obstacles') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’no_obstacles’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"obstacles_obtaining_legal_docs_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${obstacles_obtaining_legal_docs},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple pr_2_unable_to_access_lack_documentation_list","name":"unable_access_lack_documentation","label_english":"During the past three months, did lack of documentation ever prevent you from accessing any of the following?","label_arabic":"خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية ، هل منعك نقص الوثائق من الوصول إلى أي مما يلي؟","label_french":"Au cours des trois derniers mois, le manque de documents vous a-t-il jamais empêché d'accéder à l'un des services suivants ?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"not(selected(${obstacles_obtaining_legal_docs},'no_obstacles'))","constraint":"(selected(.,'no_problems') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’no_problems’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"unable_access_lack_documentation_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${unable_access_lack_documentation},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple pr_3_birth_certificate_list","name":"birth_certificate","label_english":"If you gave birth in the past two years: Does the child/do the children have any of the following documents?","label_arabic":"إذا أنجبت في العامين الماضيين: هل لدى الطفل / هل لديه أي من الوثائق التالية؟","label_french":"Si vous avez accouché au cours des deux dernières années:\r\n\r\nL'enfant/les enfants ont-ils l'un des documents suivants ?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${resp_sex},'female')","constraint":"(selected(.,'not_applicable') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'none') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’not_applicable’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta') or selected(.,'none'))","hint_english":"Read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"birth_certificate_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${birth_certificate},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple pr_4_safety_concerns_list","name":"safety_concerns","label_english":"What are your main safety and security concerns, if any? We are trying to find out any reasons why you might feel in danger in your baladiya\r\r\r\n\r\r\r\n","label_arabic":"ما هي مخاوف السلامة والأمن الرئيسية بالنسبة لك، إن وجدت؟ نحاول معرفة أي أسباب قد تجعلك تشعر بالخطر في بلديتك؟","label_french":"Quelles sont vos principales préoccupations en matière de sécurité, le cas échéant ? Nous essayons de découvrir des raisons pour lesquelles vous pourriez vous sentir en danger dans votre baladiya","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'none') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’none’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"safety_concerns_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${safety_concerns},'other')"} {"type":"select_one pr_5_feeling_safe_list","name":"feeling_safe","label_english":"Now, I would like you to assess how safe do you feel in your baladiya. This may include whether or not you feel safe to leave your accommodation, travelling in your area, accessing services, etc. Please rate how safe do you feel in your baladya on a scale from 1 to 4 such that 1 represents feeling completely unsafe and 4 represents feeling completely safe.","label_arabic":"الآن ، أود أن تقوم بتقييم مدى شعورك بالأمان أنت وعائلتك في بلديتك. قد يشمل ذلك ما إذا كنت تشعر بالأمان لمغادرة مكان إقامتك ، والسفر في منطقتك ، والوصول إلى الخدمات ، وما إلى ذلك. يُرجى تقييم مدى شعورك بالأمان في بلدتك أنت وعائلتك على مقياس من 1 إلى 4 بحيث يمثل 1 الشعور بعدم الأمن على الإطلاق و 4 يمثل الشعور بالأمان التام.","label_french":"Maintenant, j'aimerais que vous évaluiez à quel point vous et votre famille vous sentez en sécurité dans votre baladiya. Cela peut inclure si vous vous sentez en sécurité ou non pour quitter votre logement, se déplacer dans votre région, accéder aux services, etc. Veuillez évaluer dans quelle mesure vous et votre famille vous sentez en sécurité dans votre baladya sur une échelle de 1 à 4 de sorte que 1 représente un sentiment de danger grave et 4 représente un sentiment de sécurité totale.","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick","hint_english":"Read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez lire la liste"} {"type":"select_one pr_6_safety_incidents_list","name":"safety_incidents","label_english":"Are you aware of any safety and security incidents involving refugees or migrants in your baladiya in the past 3 months?","label_arabic":"هل أنت على علم بأي حوادث تتعلق بسلامة أو أمن المهاجرين و اللاجئين في بلديتك في آخر 3 اشهر؟","label_french":"Êtes-vous au courant d'incidents de sécurité et de sûreté impliquant des réfugiés ou des migrants dans votre baladiya au cours des 3 derniers mois ?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_multiple pr_7_safety_incidents_type_list","name":"safety_incidents_type","label_english":"What safety and security incidents affecting refugees or migrants are you aware of in your Baladiya the last 3 months?","label_arabic":"ما هي حوادث الأمن والسلامة المتعلقة بالمهاجرين و اللاجئين التي علمت بها في بلديتك خلال الأشهر الثلاثة الماضية؟","label_french":"De quels incidents de sécurité et de sûreté, impliquant des réfugiés ou des migrants, survenus dans votre Baladiya ces 3 derniers mois êtes-vous au courant ?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${safety_incidents},'yes')","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’dk’) or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"safety_incidents_type_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${safety_incidents_type},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple pr_8_safety_concerns_boys_list","name":"safety_concerns_boys","label_english":"What do you think are the main safety and security risks for refugee and migrant boy <\/span> children in your baladiya?","label_arabic":"ما هي مخاطر السلامة والأمن الرئيسية التي تهدد الأطفال الذكور <\/span> اللاجئين و المهاجرين في بلديتك؟","label_french":"Selon vous, quels sont les principaux risques pour la sécurité et la sûreté des enfants (garçons) <\/span> réfugiés et migrants dans votre baladiya?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'none') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’none’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"safety_concerns_boys_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${safety_concerns_boys},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple pr_9_safety_concerns_girls_list","name":"safety_concerns_girls","label_english":"What do you think are the main safety and security risks for refugee and migrant girl <\/span> children in your baladiya?","label_arabic":"ما هي مخاطر السلامة والأمن الرئيسية التي تهدد الأطفال الإناث <\/span> اللاجئين و المهاجرين في بلديتك؟","label_french":"Selon vous, quels sont les principaux risques pour la sécurité et la sûreté des enfants (filles) <\/span> réfugiés et migrants dans votre baladiya ?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'none') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’none’) or selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"safety_concerns_girls_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${safety_concerns_girls},'other')"} {"type":"select_one pr_10_awareness_explosive_hazards_list","name":"awareness_explosive_hazards","label_english":"Are you aware of the presence of any explosive hazards in your current baladiya?","label_arabic":"هل تعلم بوجود أي مخاطر متفجرة في بلدتك الحالية؟","label_french":"Êtes-vous au courant de la présence de dangers explosifs dans la baladiya où vous résidez actuellement ?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_multiple pr_11_explosive_hazards_impact_list","name":"explosive_hazards_impact","label_english":"Has the presence of mines or explosive hazards negatively affected you during the past year?","label_arabic":"هل أثر وجود الألغام أو المتفجرات سلبًا عليك خلال العام الماضي؟","label_french":"La présence de mines ou d'explosifs vous a-t-elle affecté négativement au cours de la dernière année ?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'no') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'dwta') or selected(.,'no'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"select_one pr_12_movement_restrictions_list","name":"movement_restrictions","label_english":"In the last 30 days, have you faced obstacles when moving within your muhalla or outside your Muhalla to another Muhalla/Baladiya? We are trying to understand if anything makes it difficult for you to move, including security issues, COVID-related restrictions, lack of means of transportation, or socio-cultural barriers faced by certain groups (e.g. women)","label_arabic":"في الثلاثين يومًا الماضية ، هل واجهت أي عقبات عند الانتقال داخل البلدية التي تعيش فيها حاليًا أو خارجها إلى محلة / بلدية أخرى؟ نحاول أن نفهم ما إذا كان هناك أي شيء يعيق حركتك ، بما في ذلك المشكلات الأمنية أو القيود المرتبطة بوباء فيروس كورونا المستجد أو نقص وسائل النقل أو الحواجز الاجتماعية والثقافية التي تواجهها مجموعات معينة (مثل النساء)؟","label_french":"Au cours des 30 derniers jours, avez-vous rencontré des obstacles lorsque vous vous êtes déplacé à l'intérieur de votre muhalla ou à l'extérieur de votre Muhalla vers une autre Muhalla/Baladiya ? Nous essayons de comprendre si quelque chose vous rend difficile de vous déplacer, y compris les questions de sécurité, les restrictions liées à la COVID, le manque de moyens de transport ou les obstacles socioculturels auxquels font face certains groupes (p. ex. les femmes)","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_multiple pr_13_reasons_movement_restrictions_list","name":"reasons_movement_restrictions","label_english":"If yes, what are the main barriers that you face when moving within your muhalla or outside of your muhallah to another muhalla/baladiya?","label_arabic":"إذا كانت الإجابة بنعم ، فما هي العوائق الرئيسية التي تواجهها عند الانتقال داخل البلدية التي تعيش فيها حاليًا أو خارجها إلى محلة / بلدية أخرى؟","label_french":"Si oui, quels sont les principaux obstacles auxquels vous faites face lorsque vous vous déplacez à l'intérieur de votre muhalla ou à l'extérieur de votre muhalla vers une autre muhalla/baladiya ?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${movement_restrictions},'yes')","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"reasons_movement_restrictions_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${reasons_movement_restrictions},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple pr_14_support_networks_list","name":"support_networks","label_english":"If you were to experience a serious problem (e.g. you were abused, someone robbed you, you were evicted, you could not access services for fear of arrest), who would you resort to for support and help?","label_arabic":"إذا واجهت مشكلة خطيرة (على سبيل المثال ، تعرضت للإيذاء ، أو سرقك أحدهم ، أو طُردت ، ولم تتمكن من الوصول إلى الخدمات خوفًا من الاعتقال) ، فمن الذي ستلجأ إليه للحصول على الدعم والمساعدة؟","label_french":"Si vous rencontriez un problème grave (par exemple, si vous avez été victime de violence, si quelqu'un vous a volé, si vous avez été expulsé, si vous ne pouviez pas accéder aux services de peur d'être arrêté), à qui auriez-vous recours pour obtenir de l'aide et du soutien ?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'no_one') and count-selected(.)=1) or not(selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta') or selected (.,'no_one'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"support_networks_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${support_networks},'other')"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"assistance","label_english":"Assistance","label_arabic":"المساعدة الإنسانية","label_french":"Assistance","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_one aa_1_received_assistance_list","name":"received_assistance","label_english":"Did you receive any kind of support from a non-governmental organisation during the previous 6 months?","label_arabic":"هل تلقيت أي نوع من الدعم من منظمة غير حكومية خلال الأشهر الستة الماضية؟","label_french":"Est-ce que vous avez reçu un soutien quelconque d’une organisation non gouvernementale au cours des derniers six mois?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_multiple aa_2_assistance_type_list","name":"assistance_type","label_english":"What was the type of the assistance you received?","label_arabic":"ما نوع المساعدة التي تلقيتها؟","label_french":"Quel type d'assistance vous avez reçu?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${received_assistance},'yes')","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"assistance_type_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${assistance_type},'other')"} {"type":"select_one aa_3_assistance_satisfied_list","name":"assistance_satisfied","label_english":"Were you satisfied with the aid you received?","label_arabic":"هل أنت راضي على المساعدة التي تلقيتها؟","label_french":"Est-ce que vous etiez satisfait par l'aide recu?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${received_assistance},'yes')","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"select_multiple aa_4_assistance_barriers_list","name":"assistance_barriers","label_english":"In the last 6 months, did you face any barriers to receiving humanitarian assistance? (Please note that we do not provide any assistance directly and your answer will not have any direct impact on assistance you may provide. We are trying to understand what are the main general problems related to humanitarian assistance)","label_arabic":"في الأشهر الستة الماضية ، هل واجهت أي عوائق تحول دون تلقي المساعدة الإنسانية؟ (يرجى ملاحظة أننا لا نقدم أي مساعدة مباشرة وإجابتك لن يكون لها أي تأثير مباشر على المساعدة التي قد تقدمها. نحن نحاول فهم ما هي المشاكل العامة الرئيسية المتعلقة بالحصول على المساعدة الإنسانية)","label_french":"Au cours des 6 mois derniers, est-ce que vous avez rencontré des obstacles pour recevoir de l’aide humanitaire? (Veuillez noter que nous ne fournissons pas d’aide directement et que votre réponse n’aura pas d’incidence directe sur l’aide que vous pourriez recevoir Nous essayons de comprendre quels sont les principaux problèmes généraux liés à l’aide humanitaire)","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'no_problems') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,’not_needed’) and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,’dk’) or selected(.,'no_problems') or selected(.,'dwta') or selected(.,'not_needed'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"assistance_barriers_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${assistance_barriers},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple aa_5_assistance_barriers_discrimination_reasons_list","name":"assistance_barriers_discrimination_reasons","label_english":"If you felt discriminated by providers of aid, what do you think are the reasons for this discrimination?","label_arabic":"إذا شعرت بالتمييز من قبل مقدمي المساعدة ، فما هي في رأيك أسباب هذا التمييز؟","label_french":"Si vous vous êtes senti victime de discrimination de la part des fournisseurs d’aide, quelles sont, selon vous, les raisons de cette discrimination?","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${assistance_barriers},'discrimination')","constraint":"(selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'dwta'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"assistance_barriers_discrimination_reasons_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${assistance_barriers_discrimination_reasons},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple aa_6_complaint_mechanism_list","name":"feedback_channels","label_english":"How would you prefer to give feedback to aid agencies about the aid you are receiving and bad behaviour/misconduct of aid workers?","label_arabic":"كيف تريد تقديم ملاحظات تقييمية لوكالات الإغاثة حول المساعدة التي تتلقاها والسلوك السيئ أو سؤ المعاملة التي تعرضت لها من قبل عمال الإغاثة؟","label_french":"Comment préféreriez-vous faire part de vos commentaires aux organismes d'aide au sujet de l'aide que vous recevez et de la mauvaise conduite/inconduite des travailleurs humanitaires ?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'dont_want') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'dont_want'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"feedback_channels_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${feedback_channels},'other')"} {"type":"select_multiple aa_7_sources_information_list","name":"sources_information","label_english":"What is your preferred means (channel) of receiving information about humanitarian assistance?","label_arabic":"ما هي الوسائل أو قناة الاتصال المفضلة لديك لتلقي هذه المعلومات؟","label_french":"Comment preferiez-vous recevoir les informations par rapport a l'aide/assistance humanitaire?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'no_need') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or not(selected(.,'no_need'))","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"sources_information_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${sources_information},'other')"} {"type":"select_one aa_8_access_information_list","name":"access_information","label_english":"Do you feel you are able to access all relevant information concerning humanitarian assitance (e.g. type of assistance available, criteria for eligibility, location and modalities of aid distribution, etc.) through the communication channels available in your community?","label_arabic":"هل تشعر أنك قادر على الوصول إلى جميع المعلومات المتعلقة بالمساعدة الإنسانية (مثل نوع المساعدة المتاحة ، ومعايير الأهلية ، والموقع وطرئق توزيع المساعدات ، وما إلى ذلك) من خلال قنوات الاتصال المتاحة في مجتمعك؟","label_french":"Pensez-vous pouvoir accéder à toutes les informations pertinentes concernant l'aide humanitaire (par exemple, le type d'assistance disponible, les critères d'éligibilité, le lieu et les modalités de distribution de l'aide, etc.) par les canaux de communication disponibles dans votre communauté ?","required":"TRUE","appearance":"quick"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"priority_needs_group","label_english":"Priority Needs","label_arabic":"احتياجات الأولوية","label_french":"Besoins prioritaires","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"select_multiple aa_9_priority_needs_list","name":"priority_needs","label_english":"What are your top 3 priority needs?","label_arabic":"ما هي أهم 3 احتياجات ذات أولوية لديك؟","label_french":"Quels sont vos trois principaux besoins prioritaires?","required":"TRUE","constraint":"(selected(.,'dk') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'none') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (selected(.,'dwta') and count-selected(.)=1 ) or (not(selected(.,'dk') or selected(.,'dwta') or selected(.,'none')) and count-selected(.)>=1 and count-selected(.)<=3 )","constraint_message_english":"You can't select these choices together, please check your answers","constraint_message_arabic":"لا تستطيع","constraint_message_french":"Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner ces choix ensemble, veuillez vérifier vos réponses","hint_english":"Do not read list","hint_arabic":"الرجاء عدم قراءة القائمة","hint_french":"Veuillez ne pas lire la liste"} {"type":"text","name":"priority_needs_other","label_english":"You selected other, please specify","label_arabic":"لقد إخترت آخر، الرجاء التحديد","label_french":"Vous avez sélectionné autre, veuillez préciser","required":"TRUE","relevant":"selected(${priority_needs},'other')"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"begin group","name":"humanitarian_services","label_english":"Humanitarian Services","label_arabic":"الخدمات الإنسانية","label_french":"Assistance humanitaire","relevant":"not(selected(${resp_age},'less_than_18')) and not(selected(${mantika},'other'))"} {"type":"note","name":"cfm","label_english":"__If you would like any information about humanitarian services in your area, or if you would like to complain about this survey, you can call the following number: 1404 (enumerator must provide phone number and advise respondent to write it down). This number refers to a free hotline called Tawasul, a common feedback mechanism on humanitarian services. This hotline is set up independent from our organisation, so you will speak to a person different to myself and I will not be informed. We cannot guarantee it will be possible to receive humanitarian assistance, but through this number you can receive information on what humanitarian organizations are active in your area, and you may be referred to these organizations.__","label_arabic":"__إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على أي معلومات حول الخدمات الإنسانية في منطقتك ، أو إذا كنت ترغب في تقديم شكوى بشأن هذا الاستطلاع ، فيمكنك الاتصال بالرقم التالي: 1404 (يجب على العداد تقديم رقم الهاتف وإبلاغ المستجيب بكتابته). يشير هذا الرقم إلى رقم مجاني يسمى شبكة تواصل ، وهي آلية مشتركة للتعليقات على الخدمات الإنسانية. تم إنشاء هذا الخط المجاني بشكل مستقل عن مؤسستنا ، لذلك ستتحدث إلى شخص مختلف عني ولن يتم إعلامي بذلك. لا يمكننا ضمان إمكانية تلقي المساعدة الإنسانية ، ولكن من خلال هذا الرقم يمكنك تلقي معلومات حول المنظمات الإنسانية النشطة في منطقتك ، وقد تتم إحالتك إلى هذه المنظمات.__","label_french":"__Si vous souhaitez obtenir des informations sur les services humanitaires dans votre région ou si vous souhaitez vous plaindre de cette enquête, vous pouvez appeler le numéro suivant : 1404 (le recenseur doit fournir le numéro de téléphone et aviser le répondant de le noter). Ce numéro fait référence à une hotline gratuite appelée Tawasul, un mécanisme commun de feedback sur les services humanitaires. Cette hotline est indépendante de notre organisation, donc vous parlerez à une personne différente de moi et je ne serai pas informé. Nous ne pouvons pas garantir qu'il sera possible de recevoir une aide humanitaire, mais grâce à ce numéro, vous pouvez recevoir des informations sur les organisations humanitaires qui sont actives dans votre région, et vous pouvez être dirigé vers ces organisations__"} {"type":"note","name":"end_survey","label_english":"__End of survey. Thank the participant for their time and end the call.__","label_arabic":"__ نهاية الاستبيان. اشكر المشاركين على وقتهم وقم بإنهاء المكالمة .__","label_french":"__Fin de l'enquête. Remerciez le participant pour son temps et mettez fin à l'appel__"} {"type":"end group"} {"type":"end group"}