
Download and load the QuestionnaireHTML library

  • To download the library from Guithub: remotes::install_github("hedibmustapha/QuestionnaireHTML",build_opts = c())
  • To load the library:

Your inputs

Place your survey and choices csv files under the file input. Please note that if you are using multiple languages for your form, you need to move the column label of your desired output language before the others in your survey file.
Example 1 : If we want our output to be an English

type name label::English label::Arabic

Example 2 : If we want our output to be an Arabic

type name label::Arabic label::English

Quick start

Run the function questionnaire_to_html()

questionnaire_to_html(survey.file, choices.file, choices.label, survey.label, output.dir = "./",output.filename = "questionnaire.html", title = "", right.to.left = FALSE, special.characters ="")

  • survey.file Path to your questionnaire csv file as character.
  • choices.file Path to your choices csv file as character.
  • choices.label Choices label column to be used as character.
  • survey.label questionnaire label column to be used as character.
  • constraint.label sidenote about any constraint related to a question.
  • output.dirthe directory in which to save the output file (absolute path or relative to current working directory).
  • output.filename the name of the file. must end in ‘.html’
  • title Name of your questionnaire as character.
  • right.to.left Type of the questionnaire writing system (TRUE/FALSE).
  • special.characters If the text contains non latin characters, specify the language used.

Example 1
questionnaire_to_html(“./input/questionnaire_file.csv”, “./input/choices_file.csv”, “label::Arabic”, “label::Arabic”, “constraint_message::Arabic”, “./output”, “survey.html”, “Area Based Assessment 2019”, TRUE, “arabic”)

Example 2
questionnaire_to_html(“./input/questionnaire_file.csv”, “./input/choices_file.csv”, “label”, “label”, “./”, “questionnaire.html”, “Area Based Assessment 2019”)